QSFAF Announces Registration Opening for 8th Qatar Youth Football League

2023-12-26 | Since 1 Year

Qatar Youth Football League 2024

Doha, 26 December 2023 - The Qatar Sports For All Federation (QSFAF) announced the opening of the registration for the eighth edition of the Qatar Youth Football League 2024 which will start in February and continue until April.

This league aims to encourage the young football talents and hone their skills and capabilities. It is also an excellent opportunity for young players to compete and benefit from the experience of playing in a professionally organized tournament.

QSFA Director of Events and Activities Abdullah Al Dosari explained that the Qatar Youth Football League series achieved a tremendous and continuous success in the previous seven editions reflected by the large participation and the increasing numbers from one edition to another.

Al Dosari added in statement that the league provides the Qatari youth with an opportunity to play football in an organized way and according to football regulations. This is also possible by providing the appropriate atmosphere, organizing a tournament at the highest level, and providing equal competition opportunities for all participating teams.

He indicated that the Qatar Youth Football League 2024 will be one of the prominent events marking the start of QSFAF sports activities in the new year.

The Qatar Youth Football League allows the registration of the over 16 years old amateurs and those who are not registered in the Football Association lists to participate in the tournament, with the exception of players in the amateur, indoor and beach leagues.

Worthy of note that the number of players allowed to participate in each team is 9 main players during the matches, and it is also allowed to have a list consisting of at least 14 players and a maximum of 20 players for each team.


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